15 Helpful Kitchen And Cooking Tips
Check out these kitchen tips for the next time you’re in the kitchen, or in the mood to cook!
15 Kitchen Tips:
- Prevent Bananas From Browning
- Avoid separating bananas until you plan to eat them—they spoil less quickly in a bunch.
- Ripen Bananas Quick
- Sometimes you want your bananas to ripen faster if you decide to make banana bread, or any other recipe that requires ripe bananas. A trick to having them ripen in less than an hour is to put them in the oven. The black peel looks awfully scary, but if you take a peek inside of the banana, you’ll see that they are just right for baking.
- How To Peel An Orange
- This tip is especially useful for those of you that don’t have any nails to dig into the tough skin of an orange. With a few clever cuts of a knife, you can peel an orange and eat it without juice dripping all over your hands.
- A Better Way To Cut A Watermelon
- This tip will come in handy this summer! Cut it up into small pieces and store it in a large tupperware bowl so it’s easy to grab and eat. Try out this cutting technique for an easy and fast way to get the perfect little bite-size pieces.
- Making Juicing More Efficient
- Before juicing citrus fruits, roll them back and forth on your kitchen counter to better release liquid from the segments inside.
- Make Veggies Crunchy
- When radishes, celery, or carrots have lost their crunch, simply pop them in a bowl of iced water along with a slice of raw potato and watch the limp vegetables freshen up right before your eyes.
- Keep Lettuce Fresh Longer
- Drape a paper towel over the top of a bowl of lettuce, and then cover it with plastic wrap to keep the lettuce fresh for a whole week.
- Make Sure Eggs Are Fresh
- If you’re unsure of an egg’s freshness, see how it behaves in a cup of water: Fresh eggs sink; bad ones float.
- Make Your Own Yogurt Pops
- Put a popsicle stick through the top of the yogurt lid, and then put it in the freezer. A sweet frozen treat that you don’t have to feel guilty about!
- Cook Fish On Fresh Lemons
- Because fish sticks and falls apart so easily on a grill, this is the best way to cook it! Not only does the fish soak up the citrus flavor of the lemons, but it keeps your fish in one piece and makes clean up really easy.
- Keep Honey Clear
- Believe it or not, honey is the only nonperishable food substance, so don’t get rid of the stuff if it crystallizes or becomes cloudy. Microwave on medium heat, in 30-second increments, to make honey clear again.
- Freeze Leftover Sauce
- Freeze leftover sauce in ice trays. The cubes can be reheated later when you need a quick sauce.
- Keep Your Cutting Board From Sliding
- Because sharp knives are not a good combination with a cutting board that slides all over the counter, use a wet paper towel or damp hand towel under your board to keep it in its place.
- Wooden Spoon Trick
- Place a wooden spoon over boiling water to keep it from boiling over. There is a lot of science behind this, but the easiest way to explain why this works is because the spoon pops a lot of the bubbles once they come into contact with it, and it also absorbs some of the moisture.
- Opening Jars With Ease
- Just put on a rubber kitchen glove, or place a thick rubber band around the lid. The rubber gives you just the right amount of grip to get the job done without tearing a muscle.
Source: countryliving.com
Source: listotic.com